Circuit training is a form of conditioning combining resistance training and high-intensity aerobics. It is designed to be easy to follow and target strength building as well as muscular endurance. An exercise "circuit" is one completion of all prescribed exercises in the program. When one circuit is complete, one begins the first exercise again for another circuit. Traditionally, the time between exercises in circuit training is short, often with rapid movement to the next exercise.
Advantages of Circuit Training
- May be easily structured to provide a whole body workout.
- May not require expensive gym equipment.
- Participants normally work in small groups, allowing beginners to be guided by more experienced individuals, as well as benefiting from the supervision of the instructor.
- Can be adapted for any size workout area.
- Can be customized for specificity; easy to adapt to your sport.
“ | It's the most scientifically proven exercise system. It's time efficient and incorporates strength, flexibility and cardio in the same workout. (The Cooper Institute, Dallas, TX) | ” |
Disadvantages of Circuit Training
Circuit training is well-suited for developing strength endurance or local muscular endurance . It is less suitable for building muscle bulk and despite some potential strength gains, circuit training is going to provide less results in the way of maximal strength than outright weight training.The duration of some circuit training stations can be in the region of 45 to 60 seconds, and in some cases as long as two minutes. These circuits typically mean that the number of repetitions performed on each station is relatively high, putting each exercise further towards the endurance end of the intensity continuum.
Those wishing to optimize increases in strength or muscle bulk (hypertrophy) can reduce the number of repetitions performed and increase the weight to be lifted or increase the intensity, when hydraulics or elastics are used. On the other hand, longer station length is quite appropriate for any cardiovascular (aerobic) stations included in the circuit.